Created by Helen 10 years ago
Well here i am, another year has gone by and I should have checked in earlier. that's not to say you have not been thought of, quite the opposite!! You are the last person i speak to each day Leo. I keep your little baby-grow under my pillow and each night i remove it, give it a kiss and tell you i love you. For certain you hear me! Well in this year we saw the arrival of your beautiful baby sister, Ruby Victoria, she came into our world on Thursday 20th June, we all held our breath and prayed though im sure you played your part in her safe arrival, that is what big brothers are for! Your big sister Amelia started School in September and we are so proud of her!! I saw her in her first nativity play and I cried at just how perfect she is. On the day of her play she told me that you were not with Mr Moon that day, that you were feeling unwell and had been sleeping on her teachers chair!! who are we to say you weren't. Little Jake has blossomed into a gorgeous little boy.He makes us laugh with all his antics, some good some not so... We look at him and wonder about you, would you be those peas in a pod? Your Mummy maintains you would have been the calm quiet twin, for me im not so sure!!Jake laughs and chatters to himself, Daddy says he chatters in his sleep, I guess you have your own language and im sure you are the whisper in his ear... I guess twins have their own language where ever they are. xxxx